The only good government school in rawalpindi area all other government schools are not up to standa
The only good government school in rawalpindi area all other government schools are not up to standard
F.G Sir Syed Pub School (Boys), Rwp located at 189-A Sir Syed Road, Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan
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The only good government school in rawalpindi area all other government schools are not up to standard
My school and I have a very deep bond with it
You know ... pakistani government school. No quality education
5 stars
It was best until 2012-15 but now its level has fallen
I have studied here! Miss those beautiful days 😍😍😘
The year was 1985. when l was in class 10th B, Nice school.
I love my beloving and kind school . I completed my matriculation from this prestigious school in 2019 and l am always feel proud ,when i remember that i am a student of such lovely institution.
one of the best educational institute