Good but slow process
Good but slow process
Homage located at Sahiwal, Pakistan
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Good but slow process
Good and Co-operative Staff.
WELCOME TO HOMAGE COMPANY A BRANDED COMPANY BY PAKISTAN... R&I Electrical Appliances has come a long way since it's inception some 13 years ago. With a humble ...Established in 2007, Homage is now a leading brand in power and home appliances industry of Pakistan. Homage is now a name synonymous with strength, Power Appliances Buy Homage products water dispenser, microwave, inverter, solar panel, battery and generator from our vast dealer network all across Pak
Well known company now. Good products
Very good and good work and the style of those working there is very good. Give good protocol to the incoming customer.
Nice Service delivery I visited last year.
Very co-operative and best service