Very good school
Very good school
grammar-school-rawalpindi-rawalpindi located at 1 Khan Avenue, Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan
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Very good school
the fees gets increased month by month...more focus is being paid on extra curricular activities rather than curriculum...moreover the finals take place in MAY unlike other schools where finals are held in March...Probably its a business tactic so as their students dont take admission anywhere else bcz by the time they'll pass,the admissions in other schools will have already been closed....intelligent ppl :/ plus the atmosphere of senior branch is not good ( have experienced it myself) so a vry wise advice....ppl stay away as u do not want to get admission in a place where educating students is just a business n nothing else! a review by ex grammar school student ,present student of hssc!!
Good beginning till junior level
The standard of teaching is better than other private schools
Was there for third grade, great school.