A best public school in the name of a late Sardar Kora Khan
A best public school in the name of a late Sardar Kora Khan
Sardar Koray Khan Public School located at Muzaffargarh, Pakistan
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A best public school in the name of a late Sardar Kora Khan
One of the best schools and places for study
Very strange name.... i hope they are delivering quality eduction over there
Good place for education
Good experience to visit this place....
In a backward city like Muzaffargarh, there is an excellent school for quality education which is directly supervised by DC Muzaffargarh itself.
Very good location! Excellent staff whose behaviour with students and parents is appreciable.A very nice environment to study.Method of teaching is excellent.Dues are also moderate.I think it is the best school in Muzaffar Garh.No one can give better review than the student of this school who remained active here for 8 years.
Studied here for 15 years never ever forget the memories of this school
Sardar Koray Khan Public School, an english medium,is a blessing for this region. Named after a great philanthropist who donated his whole property to philanthropy, that's why, Muzaffargarh is highest revenue generating district of Pakistan. This school is run under administration of DCO Muzaffargarh. You can choose this school for your kids' better future.
Bestest school in Muzafer Garh ..i will never ever forget my school ..best teachers , studies, every thing was , is and will appreciable ...❤