Good environment but the service is very slow you must wait for your order for few minutes
Good environment but the service is very slow you must wait for your order for few minutes
spicy-foods-rawalpindi located at Opposit Kohinoor Textile Mills، Peshawar Road، Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by 0335 5586231
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Good environment but the service is very slow you must wait for your order for few minutes
average food to much price more than savour
Too much traffic here..The coach driver takes too much time
Go some step forward ⏩⏩⏩ pirwadhai more Savour Foods
I am eating spicy murgh pulao regularly and their taste is superb. The amount of rice is also good. Environment is little bit dark but for take-away it's really a good option.