
Mir Mobiles Abbottabad location is Karakoram Hwy, Abbottabad, Pakistan . Call the company at +92 301 8175801 .

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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of Mir Mobiles Abbottabad by We are the largest stockiest and supplier of electronic components in Pakistan. We carry large stock and range of components, parts and modules collected from allover the globe ready for immediate delivery. We work with a consulting approach to meet your requirements of electronics hardware and software. We are located in Pakistan, Abbottabad

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Note: These Images are displaying via Google Maps Api, If you see any Copyright violation on our website please contact us ASAP. Attributions: Mehmood Akram Tahir Anwar
Mir Mobiles  Abbottabad

Google Review

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Tahir Anwar

4 Google Rating

Good reputation

4/ 5

Good reputation

Mehmood Akram Tanoli

5 Google Rating

Best shop to buy mobiles and other gadgets......

5/ 5

Best shop to buy mobiles and other gadgets......

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  • Thursday03:00 PM - 08:00 PM
  • Friday09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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