
Italian Shopping Mall Abbottabad location is Karakoram Hwy, Abbottabad, Pakistan . Call the company at +92 992 380444 .

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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of Italian Shopping Mall Abbottabad by We have a single goal, making life easier by saving your time and money. Check our virtual aisles and help yourself with the best price offerings and some of the most amazing discount packages. Be it pulses, snacks, stationery, beverages or dairy products.

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Note: These Images are displaying via Google Maps Api, If you see any Copyright violation on our website please contact us ASAP. Attributions: Mir Nauman Tahir Shakir Khan Italian Shopping Mall Dante 786
Italian Shopping Mall  Abbottabad
Italian Shopping Mall  Abbottabad
Italian Shopping Mall  Abbottabad
Italian Shopping Mall  Abbottabad
Italian Shopping Mall  Abbottabad
Italian Shopping Mall  Abbottabad
Italian Shopping Mall  Abbottabad

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Muhammad Usman Anwar

1 Google Rating

Pathetic and highly discourteous staff in the store who have absolutely no idea how to talk and how

1/ 5

Pathetic and highly discourteous staff in the store who have absolutely no idea how to talk and how to deal. Manager not present at all to listen to complaints. Had to leave the mart due to ill mannerism of staff and unannounced/ impromptu limitations on number of items i could buy. Would never recommend others to visit here.

Dratif Jadoon

4 Google Rating

Good to have mall like this one in Abbottabad. Needs more space inside the mall as it becomes conges

4/ 5

Good to have mall like this one in Abbottabad. Needs more space inside the mall as it becomes congested when many customers are there.

mohsin abbas

3 Google Rating

Every thing u want is available here of your daily need at good price

3/ 5

Every thing u want is available here of your daily need at good price

Naeem Khan

5 Google Rating

Good store in the area but mostly price tags are missing on almost all of the items.

5/ 5

Good store in the area but mostly price tags are missing on almost all of the items.

M Gul Mehsood

5 Google Rating

Best place wid gud prices

5/ 5

Best place wid gud prices

Salman Khattak

4 Google Rating

A good variety of products. A bit crowded at times but not too much.

4/ 5

A good variety of products. A bit crowded at times but not too much.

Jamil Rehman

5 Google Rating

Nice place for purchasing any type of groseries. fruits etc

5/ 5

Nice place for purchasing any type of groseries. fruits etc

mirroraurora45 Pak

5 Google Rating

Excellent service with supportive staff, everything available and is easy to pick in just one trip

5/ 5

Excellent service with supportive staff, everything available and is easy to pick in just one trip👍

Mubashir Khan

5 Google Rating

Italian Mall is a huge grocery store. It has two branches in Abbottabad. it has all brands for gener

5/ 5

Italian Mall is a huge grocery store. It has two branches in Abbottabad. it has all brands for general karayana items. Further crockery, Stationary, foods, Cleaning, Tools and equipments and many more. Cash and credit cards accepted. One can buy in bulks. All local and imported brands available.

Faisal Shahzad Hussain

5 Google Rating

Very good mall with reasonable prices for everyday shopping.

5/ 5

Very good mall with reasonable prices for everyday shopping.

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  • Saturday10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Sunday10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Monday10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Thursday10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Friday10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
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