
Author: ummtec24



Joined In May 2018

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ummtec24 1 Reviews
Worst example of Miss management ever seen.

A very miss managed school, just looting innocent and less literate parents, always trying to cover and hide uncompetence of their under paid and inexperienced teaching staff. Parents are not allowed to meet the teachers, there is no principle to complain in the school, but there is a head madam who does not do anything even if you point out serious negligence in academics and miss treatment with the students. School canteen is a chaos, where "might is right" rules, there is no supervision present there. Toilets are a mess, students avoid at maximum to go to toilet, as it's difficult to breath their. School administration will never allow you to visit any part of school other than admin and accounts office in the name of discipline, where as actually they are trying to hide all the mess described above. The Director of Assistant director who are actually father and son, who are basically covering the duties of principle are not mostly present in school, and even try to avoid and refuse to meet the parents even on serious agendas. You will find no grass anywhere in playing ground, just dirt and stones which can hurt children seriously, recently some second hand local made swings, slide and seesaw have been installed which don't even meet safety standards. Students get a beating by teachers and bigger students often. Maybe all this meets some rural standard, but then they shouldn't be charging students for massive fees equal to higher standard schools.

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