A collection center of reputable hospital
A collection center of reputable hospital
aga-khan-university-hospital-laboratory-specimen-collection-unit-lahore-4 located at Shalimar Link Road, Adjacent Ali Hospital, Mughalpura, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by (042) 36846928
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of aga-khan-university-hospital-laboratory-specimen-collection-unit-lahore-4 by https://hospitals.aku.edu/Pakistan
A collection center of reputable hospital
Laboratory for medical tests
Excelent labs
No one answered phone nearly ring 10 times really poor service
Closing timing is 10:00pm Test sampling close till 9:30pm Test report will collect rill 10:00pm
I love you ❤️ Pakistan Waqar Jamil
Visited once, not much rush there. Not a place for patient's consultation as there is NO room for consultation.