axis-electronics-karachi located at Sarmad Road, Karachi, Pakistan
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Best shop for electronic items. Range of varieties available. Rates are competitive and reasonable.
Good, best to find the electronics items.
Best shop but little expensive
Axis Electronics is one of the Pioneer in Electronics Field, Founded By Mr. Yousuf Arabi, who is a genius a master mind in the field, having vast experience of his Electronics, he is a mentor and teacher for may professionals doing Electronic business. not only in Karachi but all over Pakistan, His contribution in the field of Electronics is remarkable, he was technical writer for well known magazine "AMLI SCINCE" in the early 90s. most of the Electronic Engineers of that time know and acknowledge him as a teacher and helper at that time the electronics engineering field was growing in the country. They have one of the largest Verity and Stocks of Electronic Component, Semiconductors, Tools & Testing Equipment. Currently the Next Generation is in the business giving advancement as the current diversification of the electronics to the module base Systems, Mr. Ahad Arabi and Mr. Humd Arabi is now the new force to drive the legacy. Must Try for your Electronics Project of any size.
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