Here u can find famous medical store and two famous hospital aga khan hospital and liaqat national h
Here u can find famous medical store and two famous hospital aga khan hospital and liaqat national hospital on this road
cricket-stadium-karachi located at DHA7, DHA 6, Karachi, Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan
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Here u can find famous medical store and two famous hospital aga khan hospital and liaqat national hospital on this road
Haven't Visited This Stadium But Hope It Will Be Good.
Beautiful stadium in renovation by the PCB.
Good for international cricket.
Awesome lovely place
Southend Club is a family residential type surrounded by houses with a stadium attached to it. Gymming is good with sports in good weather. Roof barbecue was great before Covid.
Good place pathetic management
Good place
Nice place
It was great!!! Used to be DHA Cricket Stadium. Very good facilities. Changing room etc..