
daewoo-express-bus-service-islamabad located at Sitara Market, Mian Muhammad Bakhsh Rd, G-7, Islamabad, ICT, Islamabad, Pakistan

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Note: These Images are displaying via Google Maps Api, If you see any Copyright violation on our website please contact us ASAP. Attributions: Muhammad Obaid Ur Rehman shehzad mehmood Talha Dar hammad shabbir funny and comedy Zirgham Ali Zain Zain Muqaddas Rehman
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad
Daewoo Express Bus Service islamabad

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

hassan raza

5 Google Rating

Good bus service that confirms passenger's comfort and drive with care and love.... Thinking that th

5/ 5

Good bus service that confirms passenger's comfort and drive with care and love.... Thinking that the responsibility of the people's life that are being travelled by bus..... No over speeding reduces the risk of accidents.... No violation of law made by police department..... Fully performed as per standard operating procedure

Malik Zohaib Ali

1 Google Rating

Very pathetic place very rude behavior of the staff present there. I made online complaint against s

1/ 5

Very pathetic place very rude behavior of the staff present there. I made online complaint against staff but they did not take serious

Danish Rehman

5 Google Rating

A quick access to intercity transportation for DHA residents and the colonies around

5/ 5

A quick access to intercity transportation for DHA residents and the colonies around

rashid Hussain

3 Google Rating

Nice service but tickets already must confirmed

3/ 5

Nice service but tickets already must confirmed

Babar Taimor

3 Google Rating

Buss are very old now. They should be replace now.

3/ 5

Buss are very old now. They should be replace now.

Sahar Salon

5 Google Rating

It was good beside they charge only 50 rupees for shuttle service which is quite reasonable

5/ 5

It was good beside they charge only 50 rupees for shuttle service which is quite reasonable

Assad Ali Khan

4 Google Rating

From Passenger Buses to Cargo, Dawoo is a Good Option, But for the Elite.

4/ 5

From Passenger Buses to Cargo, Dawoo is a Good Option, But for the Elite.

U.K. Anwar

4 Google Rating

Good bus services overall 8/10

4/ 5

Good bus services overall 8/10

Shahzad Shahzad

5 Google Rating

Here is good shattle serves

5/ 5

Here is good shattle serves

Mubashir To Muhammad To Allah

3 Google Rating

Much room for improvement is there.

3/ 5

Much room for improvement is there.

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