Very nice and old bakery. It provides you healthy food and desserts.
Very nice and old bakery. It provides you healthy food and desserts. Also cakes. And juices.
Data Sweets and Bakers located at Ahmedpuri Gate, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
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Very nice and old bakery. It provides you healthy food and desserts. Also cakes. And juices.
Sweets and traditional breakfast items. Probably among the better establishment of this class but hygiene is a cause of concern.
Famous for Good bakery items and cheap breakfast. This branch of Data sweets and Bakers is the smallest of all of their branches in the city. But it is usually crowded.
The traditional Halwa Puri nashta is a must try for all the tourist visiting bahwalpur, one of the oldest shop in the city.
breakfast of halwa puri is available. other bakery items are just ok.