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SBI bank There is a sbi branch Which gave you very best services. The manager is very helpful.
Dev Samaj college of Education for women located at Bansi Gate, Ferozepur, Punjab 152002, India
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SBI bank There is a sbi branch Which gave you very best services. The manager is very helpful.
Dev Samaj College for Women, an Arya Samaj College, situated in the city of Ferozepur is a NAAC accredited A college under Panjab University, Chandigarh. It's one of the oldest and most reputed college of the region. It is a beautifully constructed. There are numerous courses available which also include the vocational courses. The college gives specific importance to co-curriculur activities along with the academics.
Overall college is good infrastructure study is excellent. Teachers are very cooperative . But there is a rule that you can't go outside before 12:30p.m ..
Women are not allowed to jeans really? In what constitution it is stated and so many restrictions like a jail everything is so expensive.. for example.... Cell phones are not allowed, staff is not cooperative...etc.
The building of dev samaj college is brilliant and very beautiful. This is the only college of womens