a very nice school best teachers of islamabad most of them having best result records and high qual
a very nice school best teachers of islamabad most of them having best result records and high qualifications
global-system-of-integrated-studies-islamabad located at Pitras Bukhari Rd, Islamabad, Pakistan
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a very nice school best teachers of islamabad most of them having best result records and high qualifications
Worst school ever. High fees bad studies. Childrenbus abusive language. Teachers not qualified.
Long story short. It is a prescription for ongoing achievement.
Expensive college
Because I don't like it
From grade 6th to O/A levels, I studied at GSIS School and College. Undoubtedly one of the best institution in the city. I gained so much valuable life lessons and had one of the best experiences. My stage fears are gone and I am fully confident in the principal and her staff's ability
I had a very exciting experience in this school and i hope i will find other good experiences in this beautiful school
The best school system in town.
Bad experienced, Misguided by Vice principal, changed fee based o false saying , not recommended. #Liars