U don't remember when I was there.
U don't remember when I was there.
Gul Ahmed Lasbela Store located at Shop # G3 & G4, Jamat Khana Albela Signal، Nishtar Road، Karachi, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by (021) 32237341
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of Gul Ahmed Lasbela Store by http://www.gulahmedshop.com/
U don't remember when I was there.
Very small store and the change room is like coffin. Brands like Gul Ahmed should be generous about the place. Apart from this staff is average friendly, Once I spotted a guy chewing ghutka or something which is totally unacceptable.
Small place with good quality cloth .
Average store.
Services out class helpfull staff
Good place to shop. Having both gents and Ladies varieties.
When there is a sale I buy some articles
Staff unprofessional,bad attitude
Great clothes