no one answering the phone ? trying since morning ? ?
no one answering the phone ? trying since morning ? ?
Hamdard University PECHS City Campus located at Block 6, 4th-A St, Karachi, Pakistan
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no one answering the phone ? trying since morning ? ?
City Campus started 2015-2016. Please take care of the parking when visiting this place.
Very good education institute.
Plz guide me i want bio medical
Best Educational institute I am also studying here in Hamdard School of Law. HSL .
Law campus of Hamdard University situated at Shahrah-e-faisal, Nursery, Dehli sweets.
Great campus, great teachers. Respect !
Good quality of education. But I have an issue with their logo. Because its Allah Name and many times i have seen placed at un appropriate place.
It is a MS/PHD Sub Campus mainly for management sciences located right on Shahra e Faisal near Faran Hotel & Karachi Foods. Building is on the top of Dehli Sweets. it has 7 floors & lift is available. Indoor Classes, Conference Room , Library, Offices & Small Cafeteria makes it a mini University place. Altitude of Building is more than its length & Width