The food is great. Prices are nominal. Location is fine, not a very good one. Service needs improvem
The food is great. Prices are nominal. Location is fine, not a very good one. Service needs improvement.
hana-restaurant-islamabad located at Plaza 2000,, 5, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
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The food is great. Prices are nominal. Location is fine, not a very good one. Service needs improvement.
Food is Okay when the Manager named Sajjad is in the restaurant. As he takes some tours as well, in those days his unavailability makes the food just OKay not great...his presence makes every thing from food to service simply AWESOME....I call and check if he is around or not and then order...
Yummy food (Y)
Food is just OK, good when you are at office and want to go for lunch but not for social gathering
v.good place
Best food Quality in Whole I 8