amazing place to study
amazing place to study
Jinnah Public Library located at Sahiwal, Pakistan
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amazing place to study
Its a Public Library but the thing is that its not a Library, its only a place where we can read only a news papers because books are not to be granted to the students, books could only to be issued to the one who are the member of Library.
Public library good place for studies
Its the best place for book lovers. They have all types of books wether it be an urdu novel or an english one, fiction or non fiction. The best part is their membership is also not so expensive.
An excellent place for book lovers, suitable environment conducive for learning.
Well managed professional staff
Its a wonderful place to sit in and learn alot...
Jinnah public library sahiwal is a wonderful masterpiece of art and architecture. Thousands of books are available in this library. I love ❤️ to visit this Library at sahiwal in Punjab Pakistan.
Very good place for Book lovers I also member of this library
Nice place for study