
naseer-hospital-lahore located at 16 Ahmad Block Canal Bank Rd, Lahore 54000, Pakistan

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Naseer Hospital lahore
Naseer Hospital lahore

Google Review

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Muhammad Imran Karim

5 Google Rating

I am Mrs. Imran living in USA. Ten years back I had the problem in my femur bone and it was operated

5/ 5

I am Mrs. Imran living in USA. Ten years back I had the problem in my femur bone and it was operated by Professor Dr. Naseer putting plates in it. Now after ten years I had pain in my same leg so I went to one of the best Orthopedic Doctor in South Florida. While looking my X-Rays he passed the comments on the treatment what Professor Naseer did I qoute " Excellent marvelous job, what a beautiful work some one has done, Wao its the handicraft work" I feel so proud and feel happy that a doctor in Pakistan is being acknowledged by a famous doctor of USA and then I realize that there are so many more but we Pakistani never give then regard and honor.

Sayyam Qureshi

3 Google Rating

Good but private sector hospital so opened for business.

3/ 5

Good but private sector hospital so opened for business.

Usman Banday

1 Google Rating

Dr Awais is an orthopaedic there and he's unqualified to treat anybody. He's a rude man. My ACL was

1/ 5

Dr Awais is an orthopaedic there and he's unqualified to treat anybody. He's a rude man. My ACL was torn and he said i could not ever play sports again. He would not answer any questions or concerns of mine. Don't consult with him. We had to wait 2 hours and had already booked an appointment. He was incredibly unprofessional. He was on his phone the whole time. A complete disgrace.

Irfan Khan

5 Google Rating

It is an arthopesic specialist clinic very famous in Lahire. Have been there couple of times to see

5/ 5

It is an arthopesic specialist clinic very famous in Lahire. Have been there couple of times to see Dr. Nàseer for my mother-in-law joint pain. It was an excellent experience

amir taqi

3 Google Rating

Ostly hospital

3/ 5

Ostly hospital

Salman Raza

1 Google Rating

Never get treatments from Dr Fahmina Ashfaq. She doesn't accommodate. For query she will give you he

1/ 5

Never get treatments from Dr Fahmina Ashfaq. She doesn't accommodate. For query she will give you her Asst number and once you call him she will ask for another fee. Whole day sitting online oladoc taking fee by not even coming online. Me and my wife got our covid treatment for her but she is very greedy.

Rashid Toosy

4 Google Rating

A good Orthopaedic facility in Garden Town area.

4/ 5

A good Orthopaedic facility in Garden Town area.

irfan safdar

5 Google Rating

Good but expensive. All facility's available at the spots. Doctors s and staff care the patients

5/ 5

Good but expensive. All facility's available at the spots. Doctors s and staff care the patients nicely. But it's expensive. Thanks

Homeopathic Dr. Saleem Hamid

5 Google Rating

Naseer Hospital is good place for medical treatment.

5/ 5

Naseer Hospital is good place for medical treatment.

Asif Khawaja

5 Google Rating

Nice hospital on canal road With Lots of patient care services

5/ 5

Nice hospital on canal road With Lots of patient care services

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