Pakban Travel located at Karachi, Pakistan
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All facilities solved by the staff at one window steps. Hajj 2018 very good arrangements in Makkah and Madina. Delicious foods 'fruits 'ice cream and tea available in 24 hours.
Went to Hajj 2018 with them. Everything was well planned, well informed, and just as told. Bilal Fasihi is gem of a person who goes out of his way to facilitate you. Facilities of package out valued their prices. They provided guidance through out hajj with Islamic guidance through Mufti Muhammad Yahya Ludhiyanvi. Highly Recommended for Above Average Hajj Package. (Not Lavish or VIP package)
Honest and accommodating.. A professional bunch
Good place to plan and execute your travels across the world, specially for Hajj and Umrah.
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