Very good dental clinic. My all family is their client. I like the doctors and their attitude
Very good dental clinic. My all family is their client. I like the doctors and their attitude
rahman-rahman-dental-surgeons-islamabad located at 6-A Street 54, Islamabad, Pakistan
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Very good dental clinic. My all family is their client. I like the doctors and their attitude
Expensive treatment but quality and very professional team work at this dental clinic. I visited Dr Rahman's clinic last summar and was very satisfied with their services.
Professional dentist but expensive.
Decent dentist
Excellent staff, Excellent doctors, especially Dr. Arslan. Very professional and kind. Highly recommend.
Very professional staff a d doctors. I got treatment from Dr. Noman. A very committed professional and made my experience completely pain free. They use the best equipment and hygiene standards match that of the best US and European dental clinics
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