Reliable in the market medical store and general items. It usually has all operating tools acquired
Reliable in the market medical store and general items. It usually has all operating tools acquired by MH doctors.
Shaheen Chemist located at Al-Amin Plaza, The Mall, 12 Peshawar Rd, Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by (051) 5701144
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Reliable in the market medical store and general items. It usually has all operating tools acquired by MH doctors.
its a crowded drug shop because of its quality in the area.
It's a reliable drug store, but you'll have to be lined up in a long que to balance this reliability comfort.
Store is good but need to tackle just parking issue.
Good store. But location have traffic issue.
Just nw calling n checking a injection but not available v sad to hear that
Best Shopping point.
All things are available under one roof. Staff is very proffesional.
Excellent customer service
Quality products