Its good place for bakery items but it's more expensive then other places It's good but not great
Its good place for bakery items but it's more expensive then other places It's good but not great
tehzeeb-bakers-rawalpindi-5 located at D-682-83 Altaf plaza commercial market, Street 5, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by (051) 4417585
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of tehzeeb-bakers-rawalpindi-5 by
Its good place for bakery items but it's more expensive then other places It's good but not great
extreme level quality of food but little expensive
Best salads and cakes in Rawalpindi/ Islamabad.
It is an excellent addition of Bakery field in the town. Their food products are fresh and tasty. It is moderately expensive but reliable in freshness and quality. Staff is mechanically dutiful, behave like an artificial Robot. Along with quality and taste, they are advised to humble and respectful.
Quality products prices r higher than local market but as well as the standard. Neat and clean environment. Staff is obedient but not very professional. Overall just satisfactory. Definitely not a place for middle class.