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I was very happy to use Google maps
Chenab Mobiles & Electronics located at Gulzar-e-Madina Rd, Ramtalai, Gujrat 50700, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by 0345 6911313
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of Chenab Mobiles & Electronics by https://www.facebook.com/chenabmobile
I was very happy to use Google maps
Better rates than others
Many Mobile brand Available in low price
Mobile and electronic shop
A beautiful mobile shop
Worst experience. I bought an ac just because i was getting a 500 rupee less than market rate but it costed me even more. I recieved incomplete accessories. My indoor unit stand was missing and on complaint the manager of this shop asked me to buy an aftermarket on my own rather than claiming it from company. Due to this i had to wait for 5,6 days for my ac installation and got the ac installed with an after market stand that isn't even perfectly fit, just a compromise . I am strongly angry at the poor customer service of chenaab Electronics and would recommend to never buy any electronic accessory from this store. You wouldn't be entertained in case of any fault in product or in account of warranty. They just care about sales and not customer services. Don't fall far just a few rupee discount and better buy from other stores in market.
Good quality and good price
Gujrat cell pointes
Great electronic store. They have a wide selection of products and a great variety. Their prices are fair and very competitive. the patience they have is most helpful. Their explanations, the assistance they provide has helped immensely. I would recommend Best Buy to anyone.