DJ High School located at KKH – Gilgit Road, Danyor
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The school we have selected for Spotlight this Monday is Diamond Jubilee High School, Muhammadabad. Muhammadabad, about 14 km from Gilgit town, was the grassland area of Danyore. With time, it developed into a settlement and the people decided to build a school to educate their children. Thus in 1977, a community-based primary school was started on the Jamat Khana premises in Muhammadabad. Sobidar Ahmed Baig was the first teacher of the school, and he taught on a voluntary basis. As the number of students increased, the community approached the Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan for assistance with running the school. The need for a proper school building was felt and it was decided that land would be purchased by the community and with AKES,P’s technical and material support, the people of the village would build a school. Construction took place in 1988-89 and during this time the school was upgraded to the middle level. Source: Spotlight AKESP While AKES,P was managing the primary and middle sections, the community initiated grades 9 and 10 for ease of transition of students completing middle school. The high school continued under community supervision till 2016 when it too was brought under AKES,P management. Today, Diamond Jubilee High School, Muhammadabad offers classes from pre-primary to 10, and is affiliated with the Karakoram International Examination Board. One of the larger AKES,P schools in the region, it has a student strength of more than 400 students who are taught by 22 qualified teachers supervised by a principal. Given the high demand for the school, many students have to be turned down for admission. AKES,P is hoping to implement an expansion programme in the near future to be able to accommodate more students.
High school of Aga khan education service pakistan offering Quality education to primary classes to grade 10.