It was a nice experience. What else I can say?
It was a nice experience. What else I can say?
Abdul Rehman Chughtai Museum located at Ferozepur Rd, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
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It was a nice experience. What else I can say?
Excellent piece of art. What an architecture of this building. Worth seeing.
It's amazing
Amazing museum here
Worth seeing.
Outstanding miniature. Ver helpful for arts students
This place is famous. We enjoyed it and students do there work there. The place inpires with variety of things. It was automatically look bad to see things where students are doing work. It is full of knowledge.
Abdur Rahman Chughtai was a painter artist and intellectual from Pakistan, who created his own unique, distinctive painting style influenced by Mughal art, miniature painting, Art Nouveau and Islamic art traditions. He is considered to be 'the first significant modern Muslim artist from South Asia', and the national artist of Pakistan. Chughtai Museum is just northwest of the intersection of Ferozpur Rd and Gulberg Main Blvd. Recognised as Pakistan's greatest painter and credited with a single-handed renaissance in Islamic art here, Chughtai (1897-1975) produced almost 2000 watercolours, thousands of pencil sketches and nearly 300 etchings and aquatints. He also designed many of Pakistan's stamps and coins.
It used to be a good place to visit but they’ve closed it to general public.