What the F is this? it's not official website,, 100% fake..
What the F is this? it's not official website,, 100% fake..
airport-enclave-islamabad-islamabad located at Fatehjang Rd, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by 0334 3076813
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of airport-enclave-islamabad-islamabad by http://manahilestate.com/
What the F is this? it's not official website,, 100% fake..
I don't know what the F is this,, fake business page...
lol, fake website.
Beautiful solid and elevated land best for short term investment as well as residence
Very Nice Location
The biggest international Airport in Pakistan.The bussiest airport in the country.The crwody airport.Serve Punjab and KPK provinces.Best security arrangements.Multiple car parkings.Tripple storey building.The lower two portions for arrivel while the third and upper portion for departure.Tuck shops.The only filling station is Attock Petrolium.Different sections for passengers and cargo handling.Only one entry and exit to airport from Motorway.No entry from Fateh Jang etc.Separate Roads interchanges for Lahore Islamabad and Peshawar.Prayers areas for passengers and staff are separate; like wise separate cafeterias for staff and passengers.No tractor or Rickshaw allow to airport.Bike allowed.
Big. Airport I loved the place and parking
The best international airport in Pakistan