Local Guides is a free service from Google Maps that lets anyone contribute photos, reviews, and mor
Local Guides is a free service from Google Maps that lets anyone contribute photos, reviews, and more. The idea is for Local Guides users to help improve Google Maps by informing users about businesses via real feedback based on their personal experiences. The more active of a guide you are, the more points you’re given. Points let you level up from level 1 up through level 10. Anyone who see your reviews, photos, answers, etc., on Google Maps can see your current level, which can help your contributions carry trust and authenticity. Being a Local Guide doesn’t just provide your community with valuable information. You also get early access to Google features and special perks from Google’s partners. Beyond those Local Guide benefits are badges and recognition by other users. The more you contribute, the more points you earn, which other users can see when they run across your profile on Google Maps. For example, if someone sees your review or views photos you’ve uploaded, they can see your level next to your name. You can think of it like a boasting plaque.