Not Much Crowded but a Naturally beautiful place to visit.
Not Much Crowded but a Naturally beautiful place to visit.
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Abbottabad location is COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, COMSATS Road, Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan . Call the company at +92 992 3835916 .
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Abbottabad by University provides access to higher education opportunities that enable students to develop knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their professional goals, improve the performance of their organizations, and provide leadership and service to their communities.
Not Much Crowded but a Naturally beautiful place to visit.
COMSATS is a well known institute of Pakistan which comes under 600 in world ranking and this is a branch of it. Comsats has qualified PHD staff where they teach and here students feel comfortable having a best study environment. This institute has its own libraries, grounds for playing sports, cafeterias where students and staff members enjoys pakistan and chinese food, research labs for every department, wifi for students and staff members, car parking etc etc. The university has a transportation system of its own. A students information center where students get all info about themselves and parents about their children. The university has 2 annual semesters system spring and fall. At the end of the semester students enjoy a full and a half month vocations. Every semester has a students week where students enjoy tension free life. There are so many things about this place that i can write down a whole article on it but the foot note is its a beautiful place to spend 4 years in here.
Its a great University for the people of Abbotabad.... i hope they are producing good engineers for our nation...
Department of Civil Engineering is the best recognized engineering department in the region, facitilities and faculty is heigh profiled and well gromed. I gess nothing is better than studing Civil Engineering, at COMSATS 's Civil Engineering Department.
Superb faculty. Management does need some improvements but all in all, it's a great institute.
Best institute
Awesome uni
V nice looking
A name of class! Only university to gain knowledge, discipline and many more thing Loved it! University of mine as well! Doing BBA from there
Well established University have quality education. Infrastructure is also good.