
Faraz Gold located at Dubia Gold plaza Shop # 6 Rail Bazar Faisalabad Pakistan، Rail Bazar Rd، Faisalabad 38000, Pakistan

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Note: These Images are displaying via Google Maps Api, If you see any Copyright violation on our website please contact us ASAP. Attributions: Faraz Gold
Faraz Gold faisalabad

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Amer Butt

3 Google Rating

gold smith. New and old ornaments.

3/ 5

gold smith. New and old ornaments.

sami cheetah

2 Google Rating


2/ 5


Muhammad waqas hameed

5 Google Rating

Quality of gold jewellery and customer satisfaction with life time gurantee for Gold, Highly recomen

5/ 5

Quality of gold jewellery and customer satisfaction with life time gurantee for Gold, Highly recomeneded for gold jewellery purchase and sale. Good Luck

Tuba Faraz

5 Google Rating

Very impressive and art of making gold work is worth recommended 👍

5/ 5

Very impressive and art of making gold work is worth recommended 👍

Rizwan zafar Zafar

5 Google Rating

Excellent services and custom made - good work

5/ 5

Excellent services and custom made - good work

Muhammad Sakhi

1 Google Rating

Nice person and food for gold

1/ 5

Nice person and food for gold

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  • Saturday11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Monday11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Tuesday11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Wednesday11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
  • Friday11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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