Federal court building where matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of federal gove
Federal court building where matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of federal government employees are dealt with.
federal-service-tribunal-of-pakistan-islamabad located at Building، 47 اتاترک ایوینیو، Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
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Federal court building where matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of federal government employees are dealt with.
Federal Services matters are dealt but processed prolonged
Slow process.
what is its web site
Its a good step of government to build a building like this for Service tribunal, including library, waiting room for lawyers and litigants, canteen, lift etc
It is a nice office of government person to solve their problems thorough the lawyer here.
Well planned and well organized judicial institution Although the members from executive offends and militates the independence of judiciary
when ever go for test at fpsc building never take ur mobiles bcz they have no favility of mobile collection
The service matters of civil servants are being heard here and the judges fulfill the parameters of justice.