Horti Group located at 2nd Floor Al-Hassan Plaza,149 Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54600, Pakistan
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A very good place for artificial needs regarding indoor and outdoor landscaping. Really impressive Prices are abit high but still reasonable
If you are looking for items of artificial gardening - its the right place to visit. Almost every related item is there.
A very good place to cater all ur needs regarding indoor and outdoor landscaping. Really impressive
Interesting place.. Need shop like these more.. Good variety of pots, plants mostly plastic.. Wall mounts for plants.. Prices are OK.. Staff is helpful.. They can make stuff on order aswell.. A bit of disappointment was the lack of gardening equipment.. Would have given a 5 star for that.
Went after reading reviews at FB. However, disappointed. Very expensive. Cramped environment. I am afraid, u may not attract walk in customers, therefore, better concentrate on On-Line customers.