
Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital located at Vehari Rd, Multan, Pakistan

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Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital multan
Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital multan
Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital multan
Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital multan
Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital multan
Khawaja Farid Social Security Hospital multan

Google Review

Note: these reviews will not count in overall rating.

Syed Abul Qasim Sherazi

5 Google Rating

I work here as a Medical Officer. the working environment is remarkable. madni i miss u...

5/ 5

I work here as a Medical Officer. the working environment is remarkable. madni i miss u...

Idara Taleefat Ashrafia

5 Google Rating

Latest technology availed.

5/ 5

Latest technology availed.

Zaki Khan

3 Google Rating

social security hospital.

3/ 5

social security hospital.

Ayaz Ahmad Khan

5 Google Rating

Since I work here

5/ 5

Since I work here

Tanveer Qureshi

5 Google Rating

This is home

5/ 5

This is home

Mujahid khan

5 Google Rating

I was a donator over there

5/ 5

I was a donator over there

zaheer ahmad

5 Google Rating

Very good and Honorable Doctors here

5/ 5

Very good and Honorable Doctors here

Urosexology Disorders & Treatment Center

5 Google Rating

Good hospital .now private practice started.small and we'll maintained hospital.after renovation.its

5/ 5

Good hospital .now private practice started.small and we'll maintained hospital.after renovation.its now presenting fine hospital in the Multan city

Ahsan Raza

3 Google Rating

Easy access. Good OPD performance. Most medicines are available. Cooperative administration. Emergen

3/ 5

Easy access. Good OPD performance. Most medicines are available. Cooperative administration. Emergency facilities available.

Syed Mohammad Raza

4 Google Rating

Good facilities for health care

4/ 5

Good facilities for health care

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