Salesman behaviour is very rude I would not prefer to visit in future
Salesman behaviour is very rude I would not prefer to visit in future
Mahmood Sons located at Ferozepur Rd, Lahore 54600, Pakistan
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Salesman behaviour is very rude I would not prefer to visit in future
Nice collection of lights and sanitary ware.
nice beautiful building
Had high expectations from this huge establishment. But no one attended effectively. They didn’t know their own products. When one enters a showroom one expects immediate reception but I kept roaming around the showroom, no one paid attention and really had look for someone to ask a query . Even when I did so I was made to swing like a ping pong ball from one person to other. Then I decided to leave.
Very good service
Such A very beautiful & Peaceful Place..
Nice and wide variety of floor and wall tiles... including Spanish, Chinese and local.
Co-operative staff. Lovely Treatment. Easy refunding and replacing available. Highly discounted services. Loved their work