National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) located at Khanewal-Kabirwala Rd, Short Bazar, Nawan Shehar Gharbi, Kabirwala 58250, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by (065) 2410607
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This bank knows that in any case my business will be on the move. As all government transactions are carried out through the national bank. They don't care any customer problems. Staff is mostly having off mood. There seems no organizational behavior in the bank. But still I have sympathy for the staff because work load is too high
Poor management of the rushing crowd. Unsatisfactory customer service. The security guards as especially irritating. Government servants are often bound to visit this bank and the officials know their helplessness.
The bank in Kabirwala is very busy
NBP kabirwala branch