So many covid cases in uni north campus still the uni is open.pathetic education system our life is
So many covid cases in uni north campus still the uni is open.pathetic education system our life is important plz close it
PAF-KIET North Nazimbad Campus located at F-98 , Block B، North Nazimabad، Karachi, Pakistan
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So many covid cases in uni north campus still the uni is open.pathetic education system our life is important plz close it
A very well institute of technology , computer sciences, information sciences and economics in town 👍
Excellent ☺️👍
It's a perfect institute for learning
Beloved Campus, from where a achieve the knowledge of Computer Sciences. Faculty I must Sir Sohail Imran was the best who not only teached professionally but also supported in all issues throughout the journey. One of the best thing which differentiates Kiet from other universities is, I would say is the Project Based Courses tradition. This allow a student to practice and experience programming practically.