I study over here !!!!
I study over here !!!!
schola-nova-junior-branch-islamabad located at 6, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of schola-nova-junior-branch-islamabad by http://www.scholanova.edu.pk
I study over here !!!!
A great place to educate your children in a modern and creative way keeping them aware of their glorious past and taking their values and traditions side by side.
very god skcool I uZed Tu gou Three cheater Uzed two hits me i saddness know i cryis i loving skools the is god skool and i vry hppy i be bullied by kid
A school that will add value to your child's character, skills and knowledge. It is the only school in Islamabad that teaches Sign Language as part of its curriculum.
Came here to attend a meeting. Very nice and cooperative staff.
i am zaid and it is amazing