In Islamabad living it is good for many reason with three time meal cold and hot water, ac bill is o
In Islamabad living it is good for many reason with three time meal cold and hot water, ac bill is on consumption of electricity.
shani-boys-hostel-islamabad located at Sector G8/4,street 22,plot#16 islamabad، Islamabad 44080, Pakistan
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In Islamabad living it is good for many reason with three time meal cold and hot water, ac bill is on consumption of electricity.
Economical and low budgeted hostel in islamabad
Laundry is paid here.... internet is way too slow...and most of water is not available daily for bathroom use.
It is ok. Average in all aspects
One of the best hostel in Islamabad :) neat and clean and cooperative staff :)
Well management and Neat and Clean services. Food is very nice.. All facilities available there at Low Cost.. better then others.. Recommended..
Shani Boys Hostel: One of the best examples of a hostel - Best packages for Students, affordable price as compare to other hostel in Islamabad.
Lil far frol pims but good for people belonging middle class family .
Best place for students ...
Poor management.