Nobody help u if u not know someone there or u have alot cash to pay them own
Nobody help u if u not know someone there or u have alot cash to pay them own
Suzuki Rawalpindi Motors located at 6th Rd, Block D, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi 46300, Pakistan
If you require further information, book an appointment or need answers to a question, please feel free to contact us by (051) 111 222 700
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of Suzuki Rawalpindi Motors by
Nobody help u if u not know someone there or u have alot cash to pay them own
This show room is very distance to rawalpindi but this is better for other.s
Service was not up to the mark. My car was consuming too much engine oil but they said everything is fine, I then went to a local auto mechanic who identified the problem and also shown me the leakage. They are bit expensive as well. Just one clarification, I am discussing all about Sixth Road Suzuki Service Centre
Awesome customer service and staff behavior.
Service is pathetic. Better to go somewhere else instead of wasting time here.
Good place for suzuki car repairs. I am giving it 3 stars due to fewer working bays and some times work quality issues.
Good showroom suzuki near 6th road Rawalpindi