its a place named tanki wala ground because there is a tanki in the middle of ground and around this
its a place named tanki wala ground because there is a tanki in the middle of ground and around this there is a jogging track
Tanki Wala Ground located at 4/C Block A Mohajir Colony University Rd, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
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its a place named tanki wala ground because there is a tanki in the middle of ground and around this there is a jogging track
This place was a cricket ground before few months ago, but now Punjab government make this a ladies Park. This park is good for morning walk and exercise for ladies. Only ladies are allowed to enter to the park. Men's entrance is prohibited. But I saw three men are sitting in this park yesterday. so, government needs to get action against such persons.
This place is very peaceful , decorative with plants trees flowers. Children are mostly enjoying there .
Park is perfect for morning walk. Great place for kids and outdoor games.
good market buy low price things