lots of variety in garments and daipy use products
lots of variety in garments and daipy use products
chase-value-centre-karachi located at 125 Khalid Bin Walid Rd, Karachi, Pakistan
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lots of variety in garments and daipy use products
You will Find every Cloth in Suitable Price and in Best Quality in Chase Value! Wearing Accessories are also Available...
It provide me essentials like shoes, jeans, shirts, cosmetic, etc. All in one place. 🙋♀
The shopping experience was very good and the entire staff was so welcoming and polite. You can find almost everything economically. Just a little bit of attention needs to be done on the ground floor to get it more spacious.
Has always been an amazing shopping experience. Clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, crockery, self care products and so much else is available in a wide range of variety within economical prices. However, couldn't find baby products in wholesale prices as boasted by the store.