I was there for buying only medicine but feel good as dealing was much better ,dont know about other
I was there for buying only medicine but feel good as dealing was much better ,dont know about other services
hamdard-dawakhana-rawalpindi located at Mureer Chowk، Murree Rd، Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan
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Need to know more about this business, please call us during business hours or visit our website and can get more information of hamdard-dawakhana-rawalpindi by http://www.hamdard.com.pk/
I was there for buying only medicine but feel good as dealing was much better ,dont know about other services
All Hamdard products available. I always buy 5L carton of Rooh Afza from here.
Good hikmat
Quality herbal medicines and qualified Haqeems. This serve people from Morning 8 to 7 as I was there at 7:30 pm dt 30/08/2017 and guard didn't allowed me to step in.
Finest health related subscriptions at cheapest possible rates
Their medicines are researched based. They target root cause. U prefer to take Children there instead of allopathy Doctors
Their medicines are better than allopathic but the centre needs to pay attention to keep it clean
Becoz I have no very good experience 🤷♂
A leading herbal medicine manufacturer of Pakistan. It's a sign of honour for herbal medicine industry. Hakeem Saeed worked his best and admire able in the field of herbal medicines.
Best Hakeem services with humble people. Very cooperative staff. Must visit this place once in a life.